Paws Thrissur

Update 1.2025

Immer häufiger waren wir von unseren Projektpartnern in Indien und Nepal um eine Einschätzung oder um einen Rat gebeten. Meistens geht es drum, wohin sich die Projekte entwickeln sollen. 

Preethi, hate sich mit PAWS Thrissur etwa zu weit aus dem Fenster gelehnt und ging gegen die Misshandlung von Elefanten bei großen Tempelfestivals, sowie gegen den misshandelnden Transport von Tieren vor.

Damit hat sie sich ein paar Feinde zugezogen - das gab juristischen Ärger. 


Wenn Sie bei der Hilfe, Behandlung und Adoption von Straßenhunden bleibt, gibt es genug zu tun.

Nun will sie sich darauf konzentrieren, in den Schulen Programme zu unterrichten, die bereits bei den Kindern eine freundliche Aufmerksamkeit und Anteilnahme für die Tiere weckt. Die gibt es nämlich so noch nicht! Was mit dem Hund vor der Haustüre passiert, ist der Bevölkerung meistens egal. Immerhin werden die Tiere nicht aktiv misshandelt. Aber das Hunde Freunde, Familienmitglieder, kluge Herzöffner sind, kann sich kaum einer vorstellen. 

Wer ein Haus hat, hat auch gerne einen Wachhund. Am liebsten einen deutschen Schäferhund - ein Prestigeobjekt.

ABER: Es gibt kein Wissen um Hundeerziehung:

Eine Welpe stubenrein zu bekommen, sie mit den Strassenhunden zu sozialisieren, nicht anspringen, Sitz, Platz, Stop, Bleib, nicht auf die Strasse und alles was ein Hund können muss, damit das Zusammenleben Freude macht. 

Diese Kultur des Hundetrainings gibt es überhaupt noch nicht in Indien. Dann macht eine Adoption und Hundehaltung im Haus schwierig. 

Hier ist ein großes Tätigkeitsfeld, in dem sich Preeti engagieren wird.


Anbei ein Interview welches Anna Trökes im Dezember 2024 mit ihr geführt hat. so bekommt ihr ein Gefühl für die Person,

die PWAS Thrissur gegründet hat und leitet. 

Update 8.2024

Auf unsere Frage hin, was mit unseren Spendengeldern geschehen sei, schrieb die Gründerin von Paws Thrissur folgende Zeilen:

Vielen Dank für die Spende, die Sie PAWS Thrissur zukommen ließen. Sie war ein Segen, da in unserem Tierheim viele Reparaturarbeiten fällig waren, die aufgrund fehlender Mittel schon lange anstanden.

Unser Tierheim ist eine große Freifläche von 2,4 Hektar, auf der wir Gehege für rund 120 Hunde und 15 Rinder gebaut haben. Da es sich um eine Freifläche handelt, sind die Zäune den Witterungseinflüssen ausgesetzt und müssen regelmäßig gewartet werden, z. B. durch Schweißen, Streichen, Überdachung und so weiter. 

Mit den Mitteln, die Sie uns zur Verfügung gestellt haben, haben wir einen Isolierbereich eingerichtet, in dem wir die Tiere, die unmittelbar nach ihrer Rettung in das Tierheim gebracht werden, unterbringen und isolieren können, damit sie im Falle ansteckender Krankheiten nicht auf andere Hunde im Tierheim übertragen werden. 

Außerdem haben wir auch unseren Kuhstall repariert, um die Rinder unterzubringen.  Der Restbetrag wird für Reparaturen und Wartungsarbeiten im übrigen Tierheim verwendet.

Ich hoffe, dass Sie uns auch weiterhin unterstützen werden.

Aktuelle Videos von Rettungsaktionen, Sommer 2024

actuel Videos from emergency support in summer 2024

PAWS Thrissur - Federation of Indian Animal Protection Organisation gehört dem Animal Welfare Board of India an.

Große Namen für eine kleine und bis zum Anschlag engagierte Organisation, die vor ca. 7 Jahren in der Stadt Thrissur im Bundesstaat Kerala, Südindien gegründet wurde.

Anstatt zu heiraten und eine Familie zu gründen, zog es die junge Inderin Preethi Sreevalsan vor, ihr Leben den misshandelten und verletzten Tieren - meistens Hunde und Katzen - zu widmen.

Häufig in nächtlichen Einsätzen werden die Tiere von der Straße gerettet, behandelt und in ein neues Zuhause vermittelt.

Da Anna Trökes regelmäßig Kerala zu einer Ayurvedakur bereist, kennt und begleitet sie Paws Thrissur seit vielen Jahren.

Wir freuen uns sehr, Paws Thrissur in die von Sukha e.V. geförderten Projekte mit aufnehmen zu können.


Häufig verfügen nepalesische und indische Hilfsorganisationen nicht über eine eigene Homepage,

sondern berichten auf Facebook und Instagram von ihren Aktivitäten um Spendengelder zu erbitten.


Sehr eindrucksvoll, aber auch mit viel Elend dokumentiert PAWS Thrissur auf der Facebookseite über ihre Tätigkeit.

Ebenfalls auf Instagram unter pawsthrissur zu finden.


Anbei einige Fotos, auch von der Gründerin von PAWS Thrissur, Preethi Sreevalsan.

Die harten Bilder auf Facebook möchte ich euch hier ersparen.


On 30.8.24 Preeti, the founder of Paws Thrissur wrote the following message to me:

Much thanks for the donation that you made to PAWS Thrissur. It came as a blessing as our shelter was due for a lot of repair work that was long pending due to lack of funds.

Our shelter is a large open space of 2.4 acres where we have built enclosures to accommodate around 120 dogs and 15 cattle. Being an open space , the fencing material is exposed to the elements and requires regular maintenance work in terms of maisonry, welding, painting, roofing and so on. 

Using the funds that you gave us, we have constructed an isolation area where we can now keep animals that are brought into the shelter immediately after rescue and isolate them so that in case of any infectious diseases, they don't spread to other dogs in the shelter. 


Besides this, we have also repaired our cowshed so as to accommodate the cattle.  The balance amount is being used for repairs and maintenance in the rest of the shelter.



I hope that you will continue to extend support to our cause.


PAWS Thrissur - Federation of Indian Animal Protection Organization is a member of the Animal Welfare Board of India.

Big names for a small and dedicated organization that was founded about 7 years ago in the city of Thrissur in the state of Kerala, South India.

Instead of getting married and starting a family, the young Indian Preethi Sreevalsan preferred to dedicate her life to the abused and injured animals - mostly dogs and cats.

Often on night-time missions, the animals are rescued from the streets, treated and given a new home.

As Anna Trökes regularly travels to Kerala for Ayurveda treatment, she has known and accompanied Paws Thrissur for many years.

We are very pleased to be able to include Paws Thrissur in the projects supported by Sukha e.V.


Nepalese and Indian aid organizations often do not have their own homepage,

but use Facebook and Instagram to report on their activities and ask for donations.

 PAWS Thrissur documents its activities very impressively, but also with a lot of misery, on its Facebook page.

You can also find them on Instagram under pawsthrissur.

Here are some photos, also of the founder of PAWS Thrissur, Preethi Sreevalsan.

I would like to spare you the hard pictures on Facebook here.


Zukunftsvisionen von PWAS Thrissur

Am 2.2.2023 erhielt ich neben dem Dank für unsere Spende, die Zukunftsvision von PAWS Thrissur. Diese Vision möchte ich hier - in englisch- mit euch teilen:


Dear Minka,
Much thanks to both of you for extending support. The transfer I guess will take some days. Will issue the receipt once the amount is received. Meanwhile, I would like to share with you our plans for the future. We are trying to approach companies in India as well, though nothing has materialized so far. 
1)24 hr vet clinic- at West fort
While we rescue a large number of animals in various forms of distress and treat them at our shelter, we always ensure that the animals are sterilized and vaccinated before they are released back onto the streets. Getting dates for the sterilization surgeries at the veterinary clinics  is difficult and we decided to start our own operation theatre in our animal shelter at Kolangattukara.  The theatre was built with donations from Sreejith Kesavan, Leo Group and donations from Milaap, an online platform for fundraising.We have conducted around 80 sterilization procedures there.
We plan to shift the operation theatre facility to the town so that it will be more accessible for the public which will enable us to develop our facility as a clinic with consultation as well. The clinic would have the following infrastructure
Operation theatre complex including
Pre op area
Instruments sterilization
Dr's scrub room
Post op/ recovery area
Dr's consultation room
X ray 
Post surgery boarding facility
Rooms for vet assistants, attenders, duty vets
2) Kolangattukara shelter treatment complex
We presently have 12 kennels standing in 2 enclosures and 2 other enclosures, one to keep puppies under treatment and another to isolate animals that are taken into the shelter. The whole facility is outdoor which leaves the kennels exposed to the rain and sun. The animals are cold during the rainy season. Sometimes we take in road traffic cases/ sick cases for treatment, but soon realize that these dogs have been affected by Parvovirus /Canine Distemper. We don't have the space to isolate such animals and such diseases spread like fire. 
We also don't have the space to accommodate staff required to work in the shelter. Hence we wish to build a good facility at the shelter with the following:
Quarantine ward( for new cases that enter the shelter)
Treatment room
Physiotherapy room
Training room so that puppies and adult dogs may be given basic training before giving on adoption.
Isolation ward for infectious diseases
Accident ward
Skin disease ward
Post op recovery ward
ABC cases
Puppy ward
Geriatric care ward
Store room
Cat treatment ward with separate room for infectious diseases
Shed for treatment of paralysed / sick cattle
Living quarters for staff
This would help us serve animals in a better , in a more scientific manner, avoiding cross infections
3) Awareness across the district in schools 
We have conducted several awareness camps in schools ( eg Sandeepani Vidyanikethan, CMS, Chinmaya Vidyalaya). Raising awareness is the only way forward to teach people compassion as well as to educate them on responsible disposal of waste which is one of the most important issues that the world is facing today. 'Segregation at the point of disposal' is the basic mantra that needs to be inculcated. While we received good feedback for our awareness activities, unfortunately we had to stop the programmes due to lack of funds to take it forward. We plan to restart these programmes, designing different programmes for different age groups , targeting every school in the state and also making it a regular process rather than a one time activity as raising awareness is a constant process. For this we need funds to design programmes which will include videos as well as powerpoint presentations and conducting quiz contests, drawing competitions, essay writing and contests to get children involved in the cause of animal and environment welfare. We also need to employ staff who can conduct the awareness sessions on a regular basis.
Target audience: All schools, residents' associations
4) 2 Rescue vans
We started doing rescue work from the time PAWS was registered in 2012. In Jan 2013 , the Canine Club of Thrissur, recognizing the quantum of our work, donated a Maruti Omni Ambulance for our rescue work. The vehicle is now 10 years old and needs to be changed as we incur huge expenses in terms of repairs and maintenance on a regular basis. We are on the lookout to buy a Maruti Eeco Ambulance for our rescue work
We also wish to start a service named 'Pets to Vets' where pet animals may be transported to the veterinary hospitals and also as a pet transportation service which may generate income for our activities.
Target customers: All pet owners
5) Incinerator for dead animals
As years pass, houses and the compounds get smaller and a lot of houses have very little/ no land space at all. In fact many people now live and keep their pets in flats.This means that when their pets die, they have no space to bury them. We get a lot of requests asking for space for people to bury their dogs. A solution to this would be to set up an incinerator for pets just as there is for human beings. This would be the first of its kind in Kerala.
Target customers: All pet owners living in apartments and small plots
6) Blood bank
Most often we receive a number of requests for blood donors. Dogs that get infected with blood parasites very often become anaemic and require blood transfusion. This calls for blood donors that come up to at least 35 kgs weight. There is no such facility as a blood bank for dogs/ animals in spite of the requirement being so high. In the past we have managed to use our rescued animals that have been treated back to health, as donors but the demand is much higher than we can cater to. Finding blood donor dogs is not easy and starting a blood bank would solve the problem.
Recently Mr Loknath Behera's dog urgently needed blood for his dog and in spite of posting on social media, getting a donor was tough. We finally managed to arrange one and the transfusion was carried out successfully.
Target customers: Pet owners across the state, as many cases are brought to the university veterinary hospital at Mannuthy.
7)PAWS CAAT programme
Companion animal assisted therapy programme. To provide a separate space for differently abled children for pet assisted therapy programmes
8)Mobile Veterinary Unit
 To set up a mobile unit equipped for vaccinations and basic blood tests in which a veterinary doctor can visit all parts of the district to treat pet and community animals. This will definitely help to reduce abandoning of pet animals as very often, ignorance is a cause for abandoning sick animals as people are not aware of treatment options for various diseases/ infections. Such mobile units can facilitate basic treatment and cases requiring further treatment may be referred to bigger hospitals.
9) Animal Birth Control programmes
While it is mandatory for all LSGs to conduct ABC programmes, it is found that it is still not being performed in many parts of Kerala and this contributes to the increasing stray dog population which leads to abandoning of puppies all over the state and man-animal conflict. In 2014, PAWS was instrumental in bringing the first ABC programme to Thrissur. We sterilized and vaccinated 120 dogs in one week doing an average of 15 dogs per day. We plan to set up a mobile unit for ABC that can camp in various parts of the state where ABC is not being performed and conduct the programme, in association with the LSG concerned.
Thanks again!!
Love and warm regards,


Preethi Sreevalsan
Honorary Animal Welfare Officer,
Animal Welfare Board of India
Founder and Managing Trustee,
PAWS Thrissur